There are several ways you can get to a booking including from a from a notification email and the side and dashboard.
Click Products on the left hand menu and then click Manage Bookings from the drop down menu.
Click the Pending tab. This will show you all the booking request that have not yet be confirmed, cancelled or deleted.
Select the booking you wish to confirm from table, this will take you the details of that particular booking.
Check all the details on the booking screen and if you are happy to accept the booking request as it is click Confirm Booking at the top of the screen. If the customer has requested a price for a POA product see Confirming a booking with a POA price request.
Click the Yes, confirm booking button on the right hand menu and your booking if confirmed. The customer will be sent a email to confirm the details of the booking. You can also send a message to customer with the booking confirmation. See Confirming a booking with a message for more details.
Confirming a booking with a message
The customer has the ability to send you a message when making a booking which you can see in the Booking Messages box on the right hand side of the booking screen. You can respond to this message while confirming a booking. You can send a message to the customer while confirm a booking regardless of whether they sent you one.
Click Confirm Booking
Type your message in the Message to customer box.
Click Yes, confirm booking. The message will be sent to the customer with the booking confirmation email and also be viewable in their account.
The customer is not able to reply to your booking confirmation message so we recommend not to ask any questions. Customer contact details can be found on the booking screen if further contact is required.
Confirming a booking with a POA price request
Some products will vary in price depending on the type of vehicle the customer has. These are called price on application (POA) products and will require you to confirm a price when confirming a booking. The price that you enter will only been saved for the booking that it relates too.
To add a price to a POA product click the Pencil icon on the relevant row.
Add your price in the pop up box and click the Save icon button.
Repeat the process for all POA products.
Click Confirm Booking
Click the Yes, confirm booking button on the right hand menu and your booking if confirmed. The customer will be sent a email to confirm the details of the booking. You can also send a message to customer with the booking confirmation. See Confirming a booking with a message for more details.